alanis business academy

What is a Business? | Introduction to Business

Everything You Need To Know About: Alanis Business Academy

Introduction to Management: A Look Into the Management Process

The Accounting Cycle

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The External Business Environment

Pricing Objectives and Strategies

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Planning in an Organizational Setting

How to Calculate the Internal Rate of Return | Part 1

Administrative Management and Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

Introduction to Human Resource Management

Social Responsibility Perspectives: The Shareholder and Stakeholder Approach

The Rational Decision Making Model

Reserve Requirements Explained

How To Use the Business Model Canvas

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

Market Segmentation

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Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution

Episode 137: How to Deliver an Effective Presentation

Introduction to the SWOT Analysis: The Art of Conducting a Situational Analysis

The Time Value of Money | Personal Finance Series

Human Resource Management: Human Resource Recruitment